How to Send Courses for Free: Tips and Tricks for British Learners

February 1, 2024

Finding Free Courses Online

Researching reputable platforms

In the quest for free learning, the first step is to identify reputable online platforms that offer high-quality courses without a price tag. Start by compiling a list of well-known educational websites and then delve deeper into user reviews and ratings to gauge their credibility. It's essential to ensure that the platform you choose is recognised for its educational value and not just its free offerings.

Reputation is a key factor when selecting a platform. Consider the following points:

  • The range of courses available
  • User experience and interface
  • Accessibility on various devices
  • Support and resources provided
It's not just about finding free courses; it's about finding the right ones that will truly enhance your skills and knowledge.

Remember, while platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable are popular for their paid content, they also offer a selection of free courses that can be just as valuable. Keep an eye out for special promotions or trial periods that can provide access to premium content at no cost.

Exploring available subjects

Once you've identified some reputable platforms for online learning, the next step is to explore the range of subjects they offer. Diversity in course topics ensures that you can find something that not only aligns with your interests but also with your career aspirations or personal development goals.

When delving into the subjects, consider the breadth and depth of the curriculum. Some platforms may offer a wide array of courses, from humanities to advanced sciences, while others might specialise in niche areas such as digital marketing or programming. Here's a simple way to categorise your findings:

  • General Education (e.g., Maths, English, History)
  • Professional Development (e.g., Business Management, IT Certifications)
  • Creative Arts (e.g., Photography, Music Production)
  • Personal Enrichment (e.g., Wellness, Languages)
It's important to not only follow your passion but also to consider the market demand for certain skills. Balancing personal interest with practicality can lead to more fruitful learning experiences.

Remember to look out for platforms that offer a referral programme with meaningful rewards. This can be a great way to engage with the courses while also benefiting from potential earnings from referrals. Promotion through social media and email marketing can also enhance your learning journey by keeping you informed about new courses and subjects that might interest you.

Evaluating course quality

When seeking out free courses, it's crucial to assess the quality of the educational material. Not all courses are created equal, and the value of your learning is often reflected in the course's structure, content, and outcomes. To ensure you're investing your time wisely, consider the following points:

  • Instructor credentials: Are the educators experts in their field?
  • Course reviews: What are past students saying?
  • Accreditation: Is the course recognised by professional bodies?
  • Learning outcomes: Are they clearly defined and achievable?
Remember, a well-structured course with clear objectives can be more beneficial than a course with a vast but disorganised syllabus.

Additionally, keep an eye out for opportunities that align with current research initiatives, such as the UKIERI Phase 4, which focuses on high-quality, international collaborative research. This can add significant value to your learning experience.

Maximising Learning Opportunities

Creating a study schedule

To maximise the benefits of free online courses, it's essential to establish a study schedule. This not only ensures consistent progress but also helps in managing time effectively. Start by assessing your weekly availability and then allocate specific time slots for learning. Remember, consistency is key to retaining information and building upon your knowledge.

  • Monday: 7pm - 9pm
  • Wednesday: 6pm - 8pm
  • Friday: 5pm - 7pm
By dedicating set times to your studies, you create a routine that fosters discipline and improves focus.

It's also crucial to be realistic about your commitments. If you're juggling work or other responsibilities, your study schedule should reflect that. Don't overcommit—balance is vital. Adjust your timetable as needed to maintain a sustainable pace. This flexibility will help you stay motivated and avoid burnout.

Engaging with course communities

Participating actively in course communities is not just about asking questions; it's about sharing insights and experiences that contribute to a collective learning environment. By doing so, you become a part of the co-construction of knowledge, which can be incredibly rewarding.

  • Introduce yourself and your learning goals to the community.
  • Share useful resources and insights you come across.
  • Offer support to fellow learners and seek help when needed.
  • Engage in discussions and group activities to deepen your understanding.
Remember, the more you put into the community, the more you get out of it. Active participation can lead to new perspectives and a richer learning experience.

The table below illustrates the potential benefits of engaging with course communities:

Utilising supplementary resources

While the core material of a free course provides the foundation of your learning, supplementary resources can greatly enhance your understanding and retention of the subject matter. These additional materials can range from textbooks and articles to podcasts and videos, offering diverse perspectives and deeper insights into the topic.

Flash cards, for example, are an excellent tool for reinforcing knowledge, especially when it comes to language learning or memorising key concepts. They can be used to review information before exams or to keep your skills sharp on a regular basis.

To maximise the benefits of supplementary resources, it's crucial to integrate them into your study routine in a way that complements the main coursework.

Here's a simple list to help you get started with incorporating supplementary materials into your studies:

  • Identify the key areas you want to reinforce or explore further.
  • Search for resources related to these areas, such as articles, videos, or podcasts.
  • Allocate specific times in your study schedule for these materials.
  • Review and revise the information regularly using methods like flash cards or summary notes.

Showcasing Achievements

Building a portfolio

A well-constructed portfolio is an essential tool for showcasing your achievements and the skills you've acquired through free courses. It serves as tangible evidence of your learning journey and can be particularly persuasive when engaging with potential employers or clients. Consider including various types of work such as completed projects, certificates, and reflective writing.

Reflective writing is a powerful component of a portfolio. It allows you to articulate your learning process and the development of your skills over time. Formats like learning journals, logs, and diaries can help you track your progress and provide context to the work you've included in your portfolio.

A portfolio is not just a collection of work; it's a curated exhibition of your educational growth and professional potential.

Here are some elements you might include in your portfolio:

  • Evidence of completed courses and certifications
  • Samples of work or projects
  • Reflective writing pieces
  • Testimonials or recommendations
  • Details of any relevant voluntary work or extracurricular activities

Networking with industry professionals

Networking with industry professionals can significantly enhance your career prospects after completing free online courses. Building a robust professional network opens doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and collaborative projects. Start by connecting with tutors and peers within your course and expand your network by attending relevant webinars and virtual meetups.

LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for online networking. Ensure your profile is up-to-date, highlighting the skills and knowledge you've acquired through your courses. Here's a simple guide to get started:

  • Connect with course instructors and classmates
  • Join industry-specific groups
  • Engage in discussions and share your insights
  • Follow companies and thought leaders in your field
Remember, networking is a two-way street. Be ready to offer help and share your own experiences as much as you seek advice and opportunities.

Demonstrating acquired skills

Once you've completed your free online courses, it's crucial to showcase your new skills to potential employers or educational institutions. A practical way to do this is by creating projects that apply what you've learned. For instance, if you've taken a course in web development, you could build a personal website or contribute to an open-source project.

Networking is also a key component in demonstrating your skills. Connect with peers and industry professionals on platforms like LinkedIn, and don't hesitate to share your course completions and projects. Engaging in relevant online communities can lead to opportunities such as collaborative projects, job offers, or mentorship.

Remember, the goal is to make your learning visible and applicable in real-world scenarios.

Here's a simple list to help you get started:

  • Update your CV with new qualifications and projects
  • Prepare an elevator pitch that summarises your skills and experiences
  • Participate in online forums and discussions related to your field

Balancing video, audio, and text in online courses can be challenging, but it's essential for creating a comprehensive portfolio. Utilise tools like omnidirectional microphones, screen recording software, and Skype to produce content that effectively demonstrates your capabilities.


In conclusion, sending courses for free in the UK requires careful consideration of available resources, platforms, and legal requirements. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, British learners can take advantage of various opportunities to access high-quality courses without incurring additional costs. It is important to stay informed about the latest developments in online learning and to make use of the available support networks. With the right approach, sending courses for free can be a rewarding and enriching experience for learners in the UK.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all the free courses online of good quality?

Not all free courses online are of good quality. It's important to research and evaluate the course quality before enrolling.

How can I create a study schedule for free courses?

You can create a study schedule by setting aside specific times for learning, breaking down the course material into manageable sections, and staying consistent with your study routine.

Do free courses provide certificates of completion?

Some free courses provide certificates of completion, while others may offer verified certificates for a fee. It's important to check the course details to see if a certificate is available.

Can I network with industry professionals through free courses?

Yes, you can network with industry professionals by engaging with course communities, participating in discussions, and seeking mentorship opportunities within the course platform.

How can I showcase my acquired skills from free courses?

You can showcase your acquired skills by building a portfolio of projects and assignments completed during the courses, and by actively participating in industry-related discussions and events.

Are there additional resources available for free course learners?

Yes, there are supplementary resources such as online forums, educational websites, and open-access libraries that can enhance the learning experience for free course learners.

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