How to Send Courses for Free: A Comprehensive Guide

January 30, 2024

Finding the Right Course

Researching Course Options

Embarking on the journey of providing a course begins with a thorough research of potential course options. It's essential to delve into the vast sea of available courses to pinpoint the one that aligns with your expertise and audience needs. Start by listing down all the possible subjects you are knowledgeable about and passionate to teach.

To streamline the process, consider the following questions, inspired by Whatuni's advice:

  • What are the goals of the course?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • What is the expected outcome for the participants?
  • How much time can you dedicate to creating and delivering the course?
  • What resources do you have at your disposal?
Remember, the relevance of the course content to your audience is paramount. It's not just about what you want to teach, but also what your audience wants to learn.

Once you have a clear understanding of these aspects, you can begin to narrow down your options. Look for courses that not only cover the subject matter you're interested in but also offer a structure that fits your teaching style and schedule.

Evaluating Course Quality

When considering how to send courses for free, the quality of the course content is paramount. Ensure that the course meets certain educational standards and is designed to facilitate effective learning. One way to assess this is by using tools like Quality Matters (QM), which provides a structured approach to evaluating course quality.

To systematically evaluate the quality of a course, consider the following aspects:

  • Course Design: Is the course well-structured and logically organised?
  • Learning Objectives: Are the objectives clear, measurable, and achievable?
  • Assessment and Measurement: Do the assessments align with the learning objectives?
  • Instructional Materials: Are the materials relevant and supportive of the learning objectives?
  • Learner Interaction: Is there a mechanism for student engagement and interaction?
  • Course Technology: Does the technology used enhance or impede the learning process?
By using QM, you can ensure that your course not only imparts knowledge but also engages learners in a meaningful way, setting a benchmark for quality that students can trust.

Remember, a high-quality course will likely lead to better learning outcomes and higher satisfaction among participants, which can enhance the reputation of your free course offering.

Selecting the Best Course

Once you have researched and evaluated your course options, the next step is to select the best course that aligns with your expertise and audience needs. Consider the demographics of your potential learners and the unique selling points of your course content.

  • Identify the target audience's preferences and learning styles.
  • Assess the competition and find a niche that you can excel in.
  • Determine the potential revenue streams for your course.
Ensure that the course you select is not only informative but also engaging and interactive to maintain the learners' interest.

When considering the top platforms to sell your course, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each. The following table provides a snapshot of the top platforms mentioned:

Choose a platform that offers the best combination of features, audience reach, and revenue potential for your course.

Preparing Course Materials

Gathering Course Content

The foundation of any successful course is its content. Start by identifying the key topics you want to cover and the learning objectives for each. Gather authoritative sources and materials that are relevant and up-to-date. This could include textbooks, research papers, and industry publications.

When considering the delivery of your course, think about the medium that will best suit your content. For example, complex subjects may benefit from detailed written explanations, while practical skills could be better demonstrated through video tutorials. Here's a simple checklist to help you gather your course content effectively:

  • Identify the key topics and learning objectives
  • Collect authoritative and up-to-date sources
  • Decide on the content medium (text, video, audio)
  • Choose appropriate technology for content creation
Remember, the quality of your course content will directly impact the learning experience of your participants. It's crucial to invest time in selecting and organising your materials thoughtfully.

For audio and video content, it's important to consider the technical aspects. Choose a microphone with omnidirectional polar pattern and low self-noise ratings. Use screen recording software like Jing and Skype for video conferencing in online courses. These tools will ensure that your content is delivered with clarity and professionalism.

Organising Course Structure

Once you have gathered all the necessary content for your course, the next crucial step is to organise it into a coherent structure. A well-organised course structure is pivotal to ensuring that participants can follow along and absorb the information effectively. Start by outlining the main topics and subtopics, and decide on the order in which they should be presented.

  • Introduction to the course
  • Core concepts
  • Advanced topics
  • Practical applications
  • Conclusion and recap

Each section should build upon the previous one, gradually increasing in complexity. This scaffolding approach helps learners to consolidate their understanding before moving on to more challenging material. It's also important to consider the pace at which you present the course material, as this can greatly affect learner engagement and retention.

Remember to include various types of learning activities throughout the course to cater to different learning styles and to keep the content dynamic and interactive.

Finally, review your course structure with a critical eye, seeking feedback from peers or potential learners. This can help you identify any gaps or areas that might require further clarification, ensuring that your course is as comprehensive and learner-friendly as possible.

Creating Engaging Course Materials

Once you have your course content and structure in place, the next step is to create engaging materials that will capture and hold your participants' attention. This involves a mix of multimedia elements, interactive sessions, and thought-provoking assignments.

  • Use high-quality videos and images to explain complex concepts.
  • Incorporate quizzes and surveys to facilitate active learning.
  • Design assignments that encourage practical application of the material.

Remember, the goal is to make learning an active rather than passive experience. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of participants retaining the information and applying it in real-world scenarios.

The effectiveness of your course materials is pivotal in ensuring that participants remain motivated and invested in the learning process.

When considering how to market your course, it's essential to focus on social proof and value-based pricing. Highlighting testimonials and success stories can significantly enhance your course's appeal. Additionally, ensure that your pricing strategy reflects the true value of the course to your target audience.

Delivering the Course

Choosing a Delivery Method

Once you have your course materials ready, the next crucial step is to decide on the most effective way to deliver your content to learners. Choosing the right delivery method is pivotal to the success of your course. It can greatly influence the engagement and satisfaction of your participants.

Options for delivering your course range from online platforms to in-person workshops. Each method has its own set of advantages and challenges. For instance, online delivery allows for a wider reach and is often more flexible for participants. In contrast, in-person delivery can foster a more interactive learning environment.

  • Online platforms (e.g., e-learning websites, webinars)
  • In-person workshops/seminars
  • Blended learning (a combination of online and in-person)

Consider the accessibility of your course when selecting a delivery method. It's important to ensure that all potential participants can easily access the course content. Additionally, think about how you can incorporate the best CTAs (calls to action) to encourage active participation and progression through the course.

When testing the waters with a new delivery method, it's often beneficial to offer a free version of your course. This can act as an incentive for learners to try out the course and provide valuable feedback.

Engaging with Course Participants

Engagement is the lifeblood of any successful course. Active participation from students often correlates with higher satisfaction and better learning outcomes. To foster this, it's essential to create an environment that encourages interaction.

  • Start by setting clear expectations for participation.
  • Use ice-breakers to create a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Incorporate group activities to facilitate peer-to-peer learning.
  • Provide various communication channels for discussions.

One effective strategy is to use forums or chat groups where participants can ask questions and share insights. This not only helps in clarifying doubts but also in building a community around your course.

Remember, the goal is to create a dynamic learning space where participants feel valued and invested in their own learning journey.

Regular feedback is crucial. It helps participants understand their progress and areas that need improvement. A simple table to track participation can be a useful tool:

By monitoring these metrics, you can identify who might need extra encouragement or assistance.

Providing Support and Feedback

Once your course is underway, it's crucial to maintain an open line of communication with your participants. Provide timely and constructive feedback to encourage improvement and foster a positive learning environment. Remember, feedback is a two-way street; be open to receiving suggestions and critiques from your learners as well.

Support doesn't end with answering questions; it involves creating a community where participants feel valued and heard. Consider setting up a forum or a chat group where learners can interact, share ideas, and help each other. This sense of community can greatly enhance the learning experience.

Ensuring that every participant feels supported throughout the course will lead to better engagement and, ultimately, a more successful learning outcome.

To effectively manage feedback and support, you might want to track participant progress and queries. Here's a simple way to keep tabs on key aspects:

  • Participant engagement levels
  • Frequency of support requests
  • Types of queries or issues raised
  • Response time to queries

By monitoring these points, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure that your course remains a helpful and engaging resource for all involved.


In conclusion, sending courses for free is a valuable way to share knowledge and contribute to the community. By following the comprehensive guide provided in this article, you can effectively send courses for free and make a positive impact. Embracing the spirit of generosity and learning, you can empower others to acquire new skills and enhance their personal and professional development. Start sending courses for free today and be a catalyst for positive change in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I send courses for free to anyone?

Yes, there are various platforms and methods that allow you to send courses for free to anyone who is interested in learning.

What types of courses can I send for free?

You can send a wide range of courses for free, including academic, professional, and personal development courses.

Do I need to be an expert to send a course for free?

No, you don't need to be an expert. As long as you have valuable knowledge or skills to share, you can create and send a course for free.

How can I make my course materials engaging?

You can make your course materials engaging by using multimedia, interactive elements, real-life examples, and practical activities.

What is the best delivery method for sending a course for free?

The best delivery method depends on the nature of the course and the preferences of the participants. Online platforms, email, and social media are common methods for sending courses for free.

How can I provide support and feedback to course participants?

You can provide support and feedback through online forums, live Q&A sessions, email communication, and personalised feedback on assignments.

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