Boost Course Sales By Working with Affiliate Marketers

May 20, 2023

Affiliate marketers can help you sell your online course

Affiliate marketers are people who promote your content. They're not employees and you don't pay them a salary, but they can be a great way to grow sales and exposure of your online courses.

Affiliate marketing is a low cost way to get more exposure for your course. It's also one of the easiest ways to do so, you just need someone who has an audience that's interested in what you have to offer, which shouldn't be too hard if your course is relevant or interesting enough!

Find the right affiliate marketer for your audience and product

Now that you've got a clear idea of what your audience wants and how they can get it, it's time to find the right affiliate marketers to work with. There are many ways to do this, but here are some tips for selecting affiliates:

  • Understand who your audience is and where they hang out online. If you have an existing email list or social media following, reach out there first! You can also use tools like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs to see which content has been shared by people in similar niches as yours, this can help identify potential partners who already share similar interests with your target market.
  • Find affiliates who are already engaging with your content, and then research their engagement level further by checking out their website traffic reports (if available). You want someone who knows how to engage with audiences on social media platforms like Facebook groups; if someone has a high volume of comments under each post but no click throughs from those comments, they're probably not doing anything wrong per se...but they might not be the best fit either since engagement doesn't necessarily translate into sales conversions if there isn't any actionable advice being given during those conversations (e-mail addresses aren't typically required!).

Choose affiliates who are highly qualified and engaged with your content

When you're choosing your affiliate marketers, make sure they are highly qualified and engaged with your content.

You want to make sure that the affiliates who promote your product are:

  • Qualified to sell it. It's not enough for an affiliate marketer just to have a large email list of people who might be interested in buying a course like yours; they must also be able to demonstrate their ability to convert those leads into customers by providing compelling content about why the product would be useful for them and showing how it can solve their problems or help them achieve their goals (and yes, you should offer some sort of free trial).
  • Engage with both you and your brand/products/services before promoting them on social media channels like Facebook Ads or Instagram ads (or even just on regular Facebook posts). This means that if there is any reason why someone would not want to buy from this particular affiliate then he or she will know about it before clicking through as well as afterwards - which means fewer refunds!

Share your vision and educate them on what you're trying to achieve

Once you have identified your target audience and the types of people who will be most likely to buy your course, it's time to start reaching out. First, share your vision with potential affiliates and educate them on what you're trying to achieve. Be clear about your goals and objectives so that they can understand how the partnership will benefit both parties. Explain what success looks like for this project, what metrics should be tracked? Use examples of other companies that have achieved similar goals (and include links) if possible!

Create a customised affiliate program that works for everyone involved

To create a successful affiliate program, you must understand what your customers need and how they want to be marketed to. If you don't know what your audience is looking for in an affiliate program, then chances are the offer won't be as compelling or effective as it could be.

The same applies for the other side of this equation: You must also know what your affiliate marketers need from their relationship with you. What incentives do they want? Are there specific requirements that will improve their ability to sell courses? Do they prefer certain types of payment options over others (e.g., PayPal vs Stripe)?

Drive traffic to the affiliate page at the right time of year

You can drive traffic to your affiliate page at the right time of year by using email marketing, social media, paid advertising and search engine marketing. You can also use content marketing, influencer marketing and affiliate marketing to promote your product or service in different ways.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to grow sales and exposure of your online courses

It's also a cost-effective way to do so, which means you don't have to spend thousands on advertising every month!

Affiliate marketers are people who promote products or services in exchange for commission. They're usually bloggers (like us!) who want to make money off their content creation efforts, but they can also be other types of influencers like social media stars or even celebrities with large fanbases. This type of partnership helps both parties: The affiliate gets paid when someone buys the product through their link; meanwhile, the creator gets more traffic and sales without having to do any extra work!

There are many benefits of working with affiliates:

FAQs on working with affiliate marketers

Boosting course sales through affiliate marketing involves a strategic approach. Our FAQ section takes you through this journey, addressing key aspects like understanding affiliate marketing, choosing the right affiliates, providing marketing resources, setting competitive commission rates, using affiliate networks, maintaining effective communication, and tracking performance. Let's dive in to answer your queries and set you on the path to enhanced course sales.

Should I provide marketing materials for my affiliate marketers?

Yes, you should offer your affiliate marketers marketing materials. These are the tools they need to promote and sell your course.

It's important that these materials be easy for them to use, so make sure they're well-designed, easy to understand and provide useful information about your course. They should also be mobile-friendly and optimised for search engines.

Here's what we recommend:

  • A banner ad with an image of one of the course's modules or testimonials from students (see our example below).
  • An email pitch script with a link back to the landing page where potential students can sign up for free trials or purchase packages (see our example below).

What are the tools and platforms I could use to work with affiliate marketers?

  • A tracking platform. This is the tool that you use to monitor how well your affiliates are doing, and how much of your sales they're responsible for. You can also use it to see which ads and marketing strategies work best in different situations.
  • A CRM (customer relationship management). This is a database where you can store contact information on your customers and prospects, including emails, phone numbers, and social media handles, so that when someone signs up as an affiliate or customer, they'll be added automatically into the system so you know who they are when they come back into contact with your business later on down the line (such as when making another purchase).
  • Marketing automation tools like HubSpot or Marketo allow businesses to send automated emails based on specific events happening within their company - such as new subscribers being added to their list - which helps improve engagement levels amongst existing subscribers while also increasing sales conversions from new prospects who may have otherwise been lost without any kind of follow-up effort being made by either party involved here today!

How can I attract affiliate marketers to join my program?

In order to attract affiliate marketers, you need to make sure that your course is promoted in a way that appeals to their audience. The most effective way of doing this is by using social media. You can also send out emails and create content that will help drive traffic to it. Paid advertising on platforms like Facebook Ads or Google AdWords will also be beneficial in getting more people interested in signing up for your program.

How can I track performance in my affiliate program?

You can track the performance of your affiliate program by using a tracking tool like Google Analytics. Here are some key metrics to keep an eye on:

  • Conversions and sales. A conversion is any action that leads to revenue, such as a purchase or sign-up form submission. The number of conversions will give you an idea of how many people are buying through your affiliate program, which helps determine if it's working well enough for you as an advertiser (or publisher).
  • Click rates and conversion rates. Click rate refers to how often visitors click on links from other sites before they reach yours; conversion rate measures what percentage of those clicks result in purchases or other desired actions (such as sign-ups). If either number drops significantly over time, try adjusting your ad copy or landing page so that visitors have more incentive to click through, and buy!


Affiliate marketing is a great way to grow sales and exposure of your online courses. It's important to choose affiliates who are highly qualified and engaged with your content, but also make sure they have the right audience for your product. If you create a customised affiliate program that works for everyone involved, then you'll be able to reach more people than ever before!

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